Products for registration authorities

SP-Schild_mit_Prüfmarke SP-Schild_mit_Prüfmarke

All info about our products

We are specialists for the development and production of documents and stickers that are required in your registration authority. As well as certificates of registration part I and stickers, our product range also includes adhesive document seals, supplementary sheets, booklets, stickers, forms, and even emissions stickers, export stickers and short-term stickers.

In the registration office, these items help to ensure that everything runs smoothly, from application to handover of documents and markings, and that the registration of the relevant vehicle is documented.

Products, which are the same in all regulatory authorities, as well as individual products which already include your authority impression and official seal, are part of our standard product range. Before printing, you receive your custom-made submission for approval.

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Registration authority products