Products for medical engineering

Bottle/cylinder closure seal Bottle/cylinder closure seal

All info about our products

Products in the area of medical technology must have high chemical and cleaning agent resistance. Visual aspects as well as durability and adhesion on different surfaces are other requirements in this special application area.

Together with Witte, you will find the optimal solution for your application!

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Telephone number: +49 2536 991-0
Fax: +49 2536 991-191
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Products for medical technology

Type plates – technikett®
Self-adhesive type plates, power rating plates, industrial signs and machine signs on rolls, sheets or as individual signs in accordance with your specifications.
Laminate-protected labels – plusprotect®
Patented, laminate-protected label for labelling at a later date. With removable paint protection film. Optimised for thermal transfer printers.
Die-cut parts – plusform®
Die-cut parts from a wide range of materials and material thicknesses in almost any shape you require (front panels, bump-on, flexible buffer, spacer and many more).
Thermal transfer printers and accessories – plustrans®
Auto ID systems such as thermal transfer printers, coloured tapes, labels, barcode readers, software for designing labels, dispensers and RFID components.
RFID label solutions – plusident®
RFID label solutions and system advice. RFID chips, readers, transponders and UHF. On paper, PET, PP, PC, PVC. Hardware and system integration.
Gedruckte Elektronik – printelectric®
Organic electronics, flexible. Conductive plastic / polymer electronics, large-area electronics, thin layer electronics OLAE and FOLAE.
Closure seals
Our closure seals clearly show manipulation or non-permissible opening of packaging (primary or secondary packaging). Additional security elements also help you to detect copies immediately.
Product and brand protection
Product and brand protection is more important than ever because of globalisation. We would be pleased to advise you and provide you with an overview of the implementation options.